Monday, August 10

I hope most of you know the value of spirituality and a guru in one's life. I happened to come across Sadhguru and started following him ever since. 

Below is a summary of what Sadhguru teaches in Inner Engineering Online program. This will be useful only if you have completed the course. If not, i strongly recommend that you complete the course and then go through this.

Approximate reading time : 5 mins

 Key Takeaways from Sadhguru’s Inner Engineering Online

Chapter 1 - Mechanics of Life

Keyword - look inward

1.         What you know you know , what you do not know you do not know

2.         Don't assume things. Don’t jump to conclusions. Seek.

3.         You don’t know the pain of ignorance.

4.         Everything won’t be alright. You can only make sure that you are yourself alright.

5.         Don’t look for solace. Look for solution.

6.         If you are seeking solace just believe that god is holding your hands and eth will be fine. It might    make you sleep well. If you want solution then see the life the way it is and then it will happen        the way you want it should.

7.         Don’t ask why creation? Ask 'how creation'. ‘How’ has the depth.


Chapter 2 - The only Bondage

Keyword - Desire, consciousness

1.         Dreams are unfulfilled desire.

2.         The energy that you call desire and the energy that you call life are no different. Desire is the       

         basis of life.

3.         Your desire is not for more but for all. Knowingly or unknowingly you are continuously longing     to break away from boundaries of physicality. So Knowingly or unknowingly you are spiritual.

4.         Thought and emotion are psychological realty and not existential reality. They are of no                   significance. 

5.         Don’t even strive for positive thought. Strive for thoughtlessness.

6.         Spirituality is related to existential reality.

7.         Be filled with gratitude and blissfulness that sun came up today.

8.         Consciousness is straight-line. Compulsiveness is cyclical nonsense.

9.         Things happening around doesn’t cause misery. Your compulsive reaction to it does. Consciously     you act and not react.

10.      If your body mind and emotions will take instructions from you the you’re conscious and      

         consciously you will always choose to be joyful and not miserable

a)          If mastery over your body - 15-20% of life and destiny is in your hands.

b)         If mastery over your mind - 50-60% of life and destiny is in your hands.

c)          If mastery over your energy then 100% of life and destiny is in your hands. 

·             Having life and destiny is in your hands means you can even choose the womb in which you want to take next birth. 


Chapter 3 - To live and to live totally 

Keyword - Responsibility, Involvement

1.         The more you eat the more your body spends its energy to consume it so the more you sleep.

2.         Fruits travel through alimentary canal in 3 hrs, raw veg in 15 hrs, cooked veg in 48 hrs, cooked meat in 50 hrs, raw meat in 72 hrs

3.         Responsibility is the ability to respond. Ability to respond gives you freedom to act.

4.         Limitless responsibility means divine/god.

5.         Your body anyways responds like when sun comes up, to food, water , air otherwise you die. Make your mind also responsible.

6.         Responding to your breath is a great love affair(more than your spouse).

7.         Involvement means responding in an unbridled way.

8.         There is no choice between being responsible or not being responsible. Only choice is between consciously responding o unconsciously responding.

9.         Respond to air, water, life around, trees, cloud, sky, etc your 5 senses are in touch with. Ever a concern for a death you see on a TV is enough.

10.   Don’t ever utter the word ‘Responsible’. Don’t talk about it. It is about BEING RESPONSIBLE. Thats the way life functions.


Chapter 4 - You are not what you think

Keyword - Happiness, This moment, acceptance, truth

1.         Whether you exist or not, whether creation exists or not, this moment is inevitable. The way it is     is the way it is. Next moment is a million possibilities and you can’t know it. 

2.         Everything that is a reality is in this moment. This is absolutely unique and fresh moment.

3.         This moment is the doorway between creation and creator. Life bypasses you if you are not in      

         this moment.

4.         Life has fixed you in this moment. But your mind is never in this moment. There are spirits and   

        disembodied being flying all over the place not knowing taste of life but only taste of mind.     

        Human body is valuable only because you can use your intellect and its discriminatory nature  

         when in body.

5.         This is a moment to moment awareness. You can’t make knowledge out of it.

6.         If you are aware, conscious, positive dynamic acceptance of what is there right now. Happiness       is the only way you can be.

7.         Happiness is that basic state of your existence.

8.         Remaining in constant state of pleasantness can make you super human.

9.         Yesterday is not alive, it doesn’t exist. Its there only in our mind. Past and future is non     

         existential. How can it hurt you.

10.      This moment means you are in touch with truth. Pain is good but suffering is made by you and         magnified by your mind.

11.        If you can maintain awareness of inevitability of this moment for even 1 minute in next 24        

         hours you can be a BUDDHA.

12.      Truth is not sth you get. You have to yield to it, there is no other way. In the lap of truth creation     happens. 

13.      Truth can only be perceived and experienced. Any interpretation is misinterpretation.

14.      You are a tiny speck in this creation and your mind wants to grasp it. If you try to get it you may     get some idea about it. Idea means you made it up which will not help.  

15.      You can’t hold it you are held in it. 

16.      Just become aware and relax in the lap of truth(this moment)

17.     You can’t make it a policy to accept every moment otherwise you will become lethargic.You can     think about tomorrow or yesterday by being consciously aware of this moment. Thinking and      

         planning about yest/tomm is not a problem. Just don’t live there. 

18.      If you accept this moment then everything becomes part of you. Then you won’t hurt anyone   

        because they are you.

19.   Yoga means union. Everything has become one.

20.   If your acceptance is total then you can experience whole existence as yourself.

21.   Intellect can only explore the periphery of life. To know core, intelligence is needed.

22.   If you pay enough attention then there is nothing in human consciousness which can’t be opened.

23.   Being responsible is synonymous with acceptance of truth or inevitability of this moment.


Chapter 5 - MIND - the miracle

Keyword – Karma

1.         You are part of existence and existence is a part of you. It seems logically impossible but its the       truth.

2.         Time and Space is stretchable. In yoga they say you can pack all of creation in a mustard seed.

3.         In universe eth is cyclic - planets revolving around sun, rotating on their axis. Seed-plant-tree-flower-fruit-seed

4.         Everything in physical existence is part of cause and effect. You enjoy or suffer it.

5.         Gautama Buddha says - By the time we wink our eyes all subatomic particles are appearing and disappearing millions of times. Everything only seems to be there but not really there.

6.         Your mind is deeply conditioned by past activity. This condition of mind is called karma. The very way you think, feel, understand and perceive life is your karma.

7.         We can repeat what we heard in our sleep 25 years back.

8.         The way we recognise something is our karma e.g. sth is bitter, sweet, beautiful, ugly. 

9.         Everything in cosmos is going in wonderful way. Sun has come up. Flowers are blossoming but man has depressed face. So thats his karma its his making. 

10.   The Stronger your likes and dislikes the stronger and more painful your karma becomes. Just simply experience everything for the way it is. Liking and disliking distorts it.

11.   When you maintain equanimous mind karma begins to collapse.

12.   When you are accepting eth the way it is right now your mind becomes equanimous. 

13.   To the extent you see life to that extent you are responsible. You can’t pass the buck. You are responsible for the things which happened before you were born.

14.   Karma is completely taking charge of your life and not allowing it to happen accidentally. Your life is 100% your karma. If you see this you will create life the way you want.

15.   Karma is a software. You can live in a palace and be miserable or you can live in a slum and be joyful.

16.   Your drunk friend crashes the car you also die. Your karma is to be with a drunken friend. The point is not is this fair or right.

17.   Karma doesn’t spare you because you are good man. It doesn’t matter if you are good. We need sensible people not good.

18.   Karma is like throwing a stone which goes very high up and you forget it and it comes back after few days and hits you back.



Keyword - Silence, AUM

1.         Food

·      Satta Positive Pranic Food - Ashgourd, black pepper, honey, fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits

·      Tamas Negative Pranic Food - garlic, onion, hing, green chilli, coffee/tea, eggplant

·      Zero Pranic - Potato, Tomato

2.         Rest is basis of all activity. You enjoy restfulness and not sleep. If you sleep 8 hours everyday you are inviting death 20 years early. Sleep is nothingness.

3.         Only if you go back to nothingness , somethingness is substance.

4.         If your job requires you to come up with something new everyday then silence is the most incredible thing for you.

5.         Fact vs truth - You are a man/woman is a fact. You are both is a truth.

6.         Greatest secret in the world is silence. Silence means - that which is not. Silence is the basis of sound and sound in turn is the basis of reverberation that we call creation.

7.         When you become silent by your own nature sound AUM will reverberate. AUM heals medically from fear, bad dreams, unstable mind.

8.         Shiva utters AUM 3 times and new universe comes up.

9.         Amen, Ameen, AUM are the same

10.   Utter AUM daily and move your awareness along with the vibrations

·      AAAA - sound of Vishnu i.e. maintenance, money , RICH manipuraka chakra 3/4th inch below naval(72000 channels of prana meet and redistribute )

·      UUUU - sound of Brahma i.e. INTELLIGENCE, knowledge, creativity anahata chakra, just below the rib cage

·      MMMM - sound of Shakti i.e. shiva POWERFUL to destroy you need so much energy, vishuddhi, from pit of throat


Chapter 7 - Creating what you want

Keyword - Inclusiveness, involvement, Love, blissfulness

1.         Mind operates from memory not from awareness.

2.         Live in creators creation not in the mess created by your mind.

3.         Love is not about somebody else its about you. 

4.         To be a full time human being your heart should beat for eth. When you close your eyes tears of ecstasy should flow. This is the best fortune for anyone.

5.         If you want to experience life its only by involvement.

6.         Human consciousness and Inclusiveness is missing from our lives.

7.         How to be should be the most important question. If you become blissful within you then whatever you do will work.

8.         When we are meditative you create distance between you and your mind then you see life just the way it is.

9.         Every human being just for a few minutes every day should have elevated view for yourself.

10.   Blissfulness is the background of your life. Its not an achievement. Its nature of who you are. You can consciously experience grief and come back.

11.   Remind yourself everyday

·      My responsibilities are limitless

·      This moment is inevitable 

·      This body and mind is not me.


Everyday Practice

1.         Astoma Sadgamaya

2.         Isha Kriya and Upa yoga at least

3.         Yugaratova bhogaratova recite

4.         Practice AUM and do individual sadhana of AAA, UUUU, MMMM while being aware of vibrations moving from naval to tip of nose.

5.         1 day in a week don’t speak from morning 6AM to 12 noon. Be thoughtless.

6.         Don’t speak while eating. Just be aware of your body responding to food.

7.         Be aware of your breathe as often as possible.

8.         See things the way they are. Don’t like or dislike them.